Thursday, 30 August 2012

Small Tips: Sounds in Pidgin

Many times from different people I've heard about sounds won't work in Pidgin. Let me clear this out. First of go 'Tools' -> 'Prefernces' (or just press Ctrl-P) menu, find 'Sounds' tab on the left, and check out three simple things in there:

1. If 'Method' set to 'Automatic', try to change it to more certain variant, e.g. 'ALSA';
2. Be suree to uncheck 'Mute Sounds' checkbox;
3. And choose 'Always' option in 'Enable Sounds' listbox.
Be attentive, see ya.

Setting up metasploit under Archlinux.

Hi folks, let me share my expirience of setting up metasploit under Archlinux.

First of all you need to install metasploit-svn and postgresql packages:

# yaourt -S metasploit-svn postgresql
Then you need to set up your postgresql installation right. Don't forget to run postgresql (I like to do it oldschool):
# /etc/rc.d/postgresql start
and you could add it to your DAEMONS in rc.conf.

After that I created database msf3 from postgresql user shell:
$ createdb msf3
Because of lack of some install script, you need to create file in /etc/profile.d/ (I named it, you can call it whatever you want, just be sure to make it executable) and put this in there:
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/src/metasploit
export MSF_DATABASE_CONFIG=/usr/src/metasploit/database.yml
$MSF_DATABASE_CONFIG must point to YAML file (this file contains database configuration, my sample file you can find here). As you can see, I've put it to /usr/src/metasploit/, since it must be accessable by armitage and msfrpcd (that's what this file for). This variables will be initialized on reboot, or you can run:
# . /etc/profile.d/
to get it right on fly.

Next, you need to run msfrpcd:
# msfrpcd -a -U user -P pass -S -f
'-a' to bind to localhost, '-S' to turn off SSL, '-f' to foreground server, '-U' and '-P' is for user and password respectively. Username and password are arbitrary, just remember to enter the same values in armitage start-up window.

After all, we ready to go. Just type in:
# armitage
enter username and password, press 'Connect' and enjoy your hackerish things:). Good luck!